Author: Ben

Big Elephant Called Employee Programs

The appeal of employee improvement “programs” is understandable. Executives and others in senior management tend to be attracted to them because they sign off and believe the issue is being handled. But more than often, that is not the case. The results are not worth the time and resources.

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Retention: What’ll It Cost You?

Retaining top talent is often considered a matter of money. That is not the case and misunderstanding this can cost you.

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The Apple Trick to Innovation

people management innovation

Even if you are sitting in an electric power plant, someone somewhere in the organization will say it: ”We need to be more innovative” or “What can we do differently to…?” Every company needs new and imaginative ideas and the ability to turn those ideas into new or improved products and services. Now, wouldn’t it be nice if there was an innovation river continually flowing? Just reach in and scoop up that next winning idea to implement? While Apple seems

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Someone Left Commitment Out in the Rain

Truly committed individual running in the rain

If you asked me to pick the most important function of a manager’s job it would be achieving a fully committed workforce. However, the unique importance of commitment is misunderstood and this is hindering performance greatly.

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A Million Dollar Question: How Do I Motivate My People?

Million Dollar Leadership Development Question About Motivation

Clearly we all wish that all the people working for us were energetically and diligently figuring out how to do better every day, both on the job and off the job. We want 110% put forth with the best interests of the company on the top of everyone’s mind. But how do you do that?

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