We all want great employees. But have you ever asked what that means? What are you actually managing people to be?
Let me tell you, that once I focused on developing people on my teams in this manner, great things happened. Creativity was unleashed. People excelled in ways I had not imagined and managing people became easier and more fulfilling.
You might have a measurement or assessment system for the people you manage, stages of performance and knowledge you hope they reach or may strive to help them reach. That is excellent if you do.
We are going to raise your level of potential impact even higher now and provide clarity, so the blueprint for a superstar employee is crystal clear. Make ’em all top talent!
For those of you who have read the book, you will recognize this and gain a bit more understanding, I hope, from the discussion.
After watching the video, complete the short exercise below.
Now, take a moment and think about the people working for you.
How do they measure up against the characteristics of Five-Star Employee? Where are they on the spectrum? Which characteristic needs attention? Can you help that person raise their performance and/or satisfaction with work?
Take the time to think about each person and your leadership.
The Five-Star Employee construct is an essential leadership tool. This is the formula for every manager, at every level, as it guides all that you do in terms of managing people, including where to focus your time and energy.
Use it by regularly assessing your people in terms of their 5-Star status. Doing so will keep your leadership heading up and up in terms of positive impact. Enjoy the progress individuals make. Pat yourself on the back with every stage of improvement. Celebrate your wins!
As mentioned, instructions for fully utilizing this leadership tool can be found in Leading People to be Highly Motivated and Committed.
Thank you for watching!
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