Category: Leadership Skills

Keep Doing What You’re Doing, Ben! Leadership Skills in Action

Time for a heartfelt success story from when my father (Ben) managed a large unionized organization out of a tough situation. This one seems to always choke me up. I hope you find it inspiring and an example to follow. As you can tell, the leadership skills you apply can have a great impact on the lives of others while increasing the performance of your organization. If you found this video inspiring, please share it. And if you haven’t done

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How to Use Your Leadership Skills to Build Trust in the Workplace

Trust is totally under your control, as the boss. You have the power to cultivate it and ensure its existence. And your team can’t run without it. How do you develop trust in the workplace?

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Don’t Shoot the Messenger

We have now seen how gathering data or listening depends on gaining answers to carefully designed questions. Since questions are naturally threatening to people, they can cause defensiveness as well as anxiety. Just being in the presence of a boss increases our anxiety and the higher the boss the greater the anxiety — unless the person is a strong and independent, “non-follower.”

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Leadership Skills Success Story: The Power of Listening

Listening begets respect, trust and commitment, and constitutes superior leadership by showing others how to treat their work and the people around them, which includes customers.

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Leadership Skills: Don’t be a Hip Shooter

We all do it from time to time, don’t we? While sitting and listening to someone, sometimes we are quick to give answers or opinions. As the boss, don’t do it.

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